Main screen and toolbars
When the program is loaded you get the opening screen. The opening screen is your starting point. It is organised to suit your convenience.
At the top of the opening screen is a panel with different menu options. Click here to view additional details. When you click on these you will get a drop down list. These lists that drop down contain different commands. You will need some of these commands more than you will need others. Therefore, the commands that you tend to use more often are placed outside the menu drop down lists also.
Immediately below the panel that contains the menu options is a panel of icons. This panel is the toolbars panel. Click here to view screen shot.
Below this panel there is another panel of similar commands which help you format text. This is the formatting toolbar. Click here to view screen shot.
On the left hand side of the main program window there is a vertical bar that contains some other icons. Click here to view screen shot. Clicking on these icons will help you operate in the folder (tree) area. These panels of icons are the analogues of the frequently used commands from the drop down lists of the menu options. The vertical panel on the left contains icons for all the commands in Folder menu's drop down list.
Depending on the folder structure some of these commands are disabled since not all functions are available for the three folder structures. The horizontal icon panel immediately below the menu options contains icons for a mix of frequently required commands from the other drop down lists. When you place your cursor on the icon a small tooltip indicating the command it represents pops up. As you go along you will find that these same commands can be operated by using a simple combination of keys on your keyboard. These combinations are indicated in the drop down list adjacent to the text of the command. For example, the keyboard command for creating a new document is Control + N. This is indicated in the drop down list adjacent to the New command. Click here for a list of simple keyboard commands.